Regarding Ads on

A side note on advertisements.  Those who know me know that I basically do not favor advertising, and are probably confused at its presence on my blog.  Yesterday I was accepted into the WordPress WordAds program, a beta program that is more or less a competitor to Google’s AdSense.

I’m trying it out, to see how it is.  Apparently they can serve up to three ads geared toward the content of my blog.  So far, it looks like they are serving one ad, and it’s kind of loosely based on a very broad version of what’s going on here.  If you absolutely hate the ads, let me know – if I start getting some sponsorships, I can consider taking them down for good.  Thanks for reading!

The modern mobile A/V production studio

Over at my favorite tech site The Verge, Jordan Oplinger demonstrates how on the go production is done in 2012. Note: no specialized equipment, beyond the necessary kit to capture signal. Once it’s captured, everything goes straight through to post on the MBP. This is in stark contrast to the situation last decade, where companies tried to sell things like the Streamgenie to live-produce content on the go.  The metaphor of the “media truck” is slowly dying.

I find it interesting that she records video and audio separately, just like they do in the movies – there may be an easier way to do this, but there’s no denying that The Verge always has the highest quality A/V coverage of the events they attend.

Also notice the complete absence of a “video” camera.  In 2012, a camera is a camera is a camera, and DSLR’s are the best kind of camera, whether you’re taking video or stills.

All I Need – done with iPad apps

You know I have mixed feelings about making music on iPads. Same goes for most of these “iPad Band” videos – they’re kitschy, usually don’t sound very good, and if it weren’t for the iPad/Pod/Phone part the actual sounds that are coming out wouldn’t be given a second thought by any human with working ears.

But this guy made one that sounds pretty good:

Looks like a mix of a couple good apps: GarageBand, Fingerjam, and some other thing that apparently has a glockenspiel interface?  Good find!